New Product Announcement

New Product Announcement:

Monarch Systems Ltd. is happy to announce our appointment as the official North American distribution partner of Component Solutions, a French manufacturer of high performance DACs, preamp/processors and amplifiers. was founded by engineers Sébastien, Cedric, and Gérard Bermann. The team began researching and developing home audio solutions 10 years before launching the…

New Product Announcement Analog Magik

New Brand Announcement: AnalogMagik

Monarch Systems Ltd. Named the Official North American Importer for AnalogMagik Turntable Set-up Software AnalogMagik turntable set-up software products will be distributed throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico by Monarch Systems Ltd. Monarch Systems Ltd. is happy to announce our appointment as the official North American distribution partner of AnalogMagik, a manufacturer of turntable and…

Classic Legend YouTube Review by Michael's Minutes HiFi Reviews

Love is in the Air: A YouTube Review of the Siltech Classic Legend Network Cable by Michael’s Minute – HiFi Lifestyle

One YouTuber’s review of a Siltech Cable; its quality and cost compared to other brands To watch Michael’s entire review, click here. Love is in the air Recently Michael’s Minutes, a HiFi enthusiast and YouTube content creator, purchased a set of Siltech Network cables for testing on his personal 2-channel listening system.  However, Michael seems…

Siltech Classic Legend 880 Speaker Cable detail of the ends featured. Listing for the Part-Time Audiophile announcing best cable for their Buyers Guide 2023.

PartTime Audiophile Names Siltech Classic Legend 880L in their Buyers Guide for Best Cable

Who knew you could call speakers cables luxurious? You can when it comes to Siltech! Classic Legend has received yet another recognition this month! Part-Time Audiophile has featured Siltech Classic Legend 880 Speaker Cable in their 2023 Buyers Guide. Thank you to the “big system” reviewers at PTA for such a fantastic review! Not sure…

Siltech announces new cable models to the Classic Legend series

Siltech Adds New Cables to the Classic Legend Series

Due to the success of the Classic Legend Cable Series, Siltech has added Digital and USB models to the lineup. The Classic Legend series has become one of the best-selling range of cables since its launch in May 2021. Positive reviews from well-respected hi-fi audio magazines and experts, valuable industry awards, and – most importantly – amazing feedback from audiophiles…

Siltech announces their new cable series, Royal Crown.

Siltech Announces a New Cable Series

The Royal Crown Series by Siltech Royal Crown is Siltech’s brand-new capstone series, taking advantage of a number of new technologies and replacing the amazingly successful Royal Signature series.  The new Royal Crown lineup is made up of three product models, each of which offers multiple cable types: Royal Single Crown, Royal Double Crown, and…

Munich High End Show 2022 Logo with the May dates that the show took place.

High End Show 2022 Recap

Monarch Systems Distribution attends the 2022 High End Show in Munich Germany Munich High-End was an interesting show this year.  While the show itself was good in many ways (seeing old and new friends as well as getting to catch up on what’s been going on in the industry), it was also a terrible trip…
