Adrian Alexander of The Absolute Sound awards the B.dac One EX the gold medal in his latest review on the TAS YouTube channel.

We’d like to share with you news of a new review of the B.DAC One EX,’s entry-point standalone DAC, on The Absolute Sound’s YouTube channel.  TAS’s Adrian Alexander has spent the past couple of months auditioning the B.DAC One EX and shares his views on its performance and—most importantly—the experience of listening to his favorite music through the DAC.  Spoiler alert: he loved it.  Really loved it.  Really, really.  To watch the review and start to love it too, please click here.

Here are the are a few of the details Adrian found pleasing from the B.dac One EX.

  • Immersive Spaciousness & Depth
  • Distinct, engaging instrument separation
  • Transparent and accurate
  • Low harshness
  • Spacious, detailed soundstage

Watch the full video here

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