Siltech’s Classic Legend 880 loom – ranging from interconnect to power and speaker cables – has recently reached Dave McNair at Part-Time Audiophile. Special thanks to Monarch System, our official distributor in Canada & USA!
We are grateful and happy to share one of the most impressive and highly relevant reviews of the Classic Legend 880 Series. Enjoy Dave McNair’s excellent write-up!
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Siltech Product Review
Siltech Classic Legend 880–The Loom
Dave McNair, Part-Time Audiophile
April 21, 2022
Like many readers, I’ve heard the Siltech name for years. That’s not surprising, given that this Netherlands-based operation has been making cables since 1983. From the beginning, Siltech has been heavily invested in research to determine the hows and whys of perceived sonics. The company wanted to determine if a change in perceived sonics could be measured. Apparently, it can. Siltech correlates perceptions with those measurements for use in design and manufacturing methods in their various lines.
If you’re a cable denier, I know what you’re thinking. Just because it can be measured, does that make it audible? That was my line of reasoning but let’s go with it for a minute, okay?
Siltech (SILver TECHnology) is usually associated with the fundamental concept that silver is the best metal for cabling. However, there is more to the story. The entry-level Explorer series, for example, uses a very pure 6N mono crystal copper with a mix of Kapton and Teflon for insulation.
The next level up is their Siltech Classic Legend series, which includes the Anniversary and Legend. The top-shelf Royal Signature line consists of the Crown, Double Crown, and the uber high-end – Triple Crown series. The Triple Crown and Double Crown series use monocrystal silver, the others use predominantly silver with a small amount of gold. The silver/gold metallurgy is said to be used as a method for filling microscopic cracks in the silver to create more continuity for an electrical signal to traverse.
The Siltech Classic Legend 880 loom I’m reviewing here has SIltech’s ninth-generation G9 silver/gold conductors and a combination of Teflon and PEEK (Polyether ether ketone) for insulation. I found out what those bulky barrels on the ends of the cables are for, and it’s not just the bling factor. The barrel allows the fat bulk of the cable to have slimmer, easier to deal with terminations. The barrels also feature indicators for proper direction, as well as the model and serial number.
The technical and subjective descriptions on the Siltech website, by the way, are fascinating. There is a lot to digest and it’s not of the typical marketing-copy variety, either. I got the distinct feeling these guys are not playing around.
Siltech Classic Legend 880 Conclusion
I didn’t say a whole lot about all the cutting-edge science in the design and construction of Siltech cables. Mainly because if I’m honest, I really couldn’t care less. How it sounds in my system and how much it’s gonna cost me are pretty much my only areas of interest, at least with cables. I don’t need fancy looks, complex science, and impressive packaging to be impressed, although Siltech most definitely excels in all those areas. And for the folks that like to know there is a definite science behind a design, Siltech may be the most serious player in this area.
I had a blast using the cables and more importantly, I learned that I can sometimes, under certain conditions, hear differences in cables. What does that mean for my system?
As far as the Siltech Classic Legend 880, I definitely felt they brought a new level of overall listening enjoyment to my ears in the form of a hard-to-describe sense of luxuriousness to the sound. If they have any major sonic signature it’s the same as all my other favorite components: large, complex, dynamically revealing, yet smooth. I will be a little bummed when they go back to Monarch Systems, although I’m perfectly fine with the performance I get using Cardas Clear Beyond. However, I very well may have to throw down for some at the studio. My kingdom for a power cord!
To Inquire about finding an Authorized Siltech Dealer near you, click here.